I'm Still

I’m still in the tall lanky mountains,
Where the world was upside down,
Where the meaning of life was different,
Where life was more than what I thought about.

I’m still driving in the curvaceous dangerous roads,
Where one wrong turn can kill you,
Where the weather is so cold, that you shiver,
Where you breathe in clean air,
Where all your worries fade away into smoke.

I’m still in the river, on a speed boat,
Where the waves blow my face away,
Where the water splashes on my head,
While I stand to look out at the setting sun between the mountains,
Where the world became beautiful again.

I’m still in the boat, in the river,
Where the boatmen sing their loudest of voices,
That echoes in loudest noises,
Where the water, slowly tides way and rows the boat ahead,
The beauty of the world comes close.

I’m still in between the valley of large mountains,
Tied around with a rope, going from one end to other, hanging loose,
I might die, might the rope get loose and hang there,
I’m still stuck there.

I’m still at every moment,
Now, there is nothing to worry about,
No commitments to keep,
No responsibilities to follow,
I still, living every moment of my life,
The only happiness I swallow.

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