Oh My Love, Oh My Goddess

Those eyes were full of passion,
That passion spoke of music of all the worlds,
Those lips were full of poison,
The poison I wanted to taste.

Those hair were all ponytail,
It danced the way she walked, left right, left right,
Those hands and nimble fingers were so tiny,
I ever wanted them to hold my hands.

When I first saw you, oh my love,
I sailed on the whirlpool of emotions,
When I first saw you, oh my love,
I danced around of the desire of love.

When you waved that ponytail around,
My heart waved over and over,
When you talked through your deep goddess voice,
My soul bend over to pray to you.

Oh my Goddess, where you are,
Meet me in between of the world,
The place where there’s no right no wrong,
The place where nothing exist.

Oh my Goddess, where you are,
Meet me in a place,
A place destroyed and abandoned,
Where only you and I live.

When you look at me through those eyes,
I feel naked all over,
No matter how much I hide,
Your eyes always takes out something from me.

You’re that presence that rocks me up,
That surges me up with energy,
I don’t sleep for days and nights,
I only yearn for your time.

Oh my love, oh my Goddess,
Don’t look at me like that,
For the heavens and earth will start uniting, to make this story work,
But, I don’t want you in my life,
Because you’re too perfect for me.
© Ashraf Shaikh

Burning Lava

The burning lava boils up and comes out,
It swallows everything on it’s way,
The burning lava boils up and comes out,
Burning the whole world away.

The burning lava boils up and withers down
Every forest in the way,
The burning lava boils up and kills everything,
Everything we held on till today.

The burning lava comes once a year,
Takes everything away,
Then the burning lava sits in silence all day everyday,
It awakes once and scares off everyone he once knew.

For once he’ll boil up and burn everyone and everything he knew,
I have the burning lava inside me,
You have your lava burning inside you.

For once our lava boils up and comes out,
It’s burns the world we knew,
It burns the past memories filled with passion,
It burns the desires away.

The burning lava sits quiet,
After burning the forest called, “Life” away.
© Ashraf Shaikh

One Love

My heart thumped as I looked into her eyes,
My soul shook as I held her in my arms,
My lips met hers and there we were kissing,
Embracing the love we felt, we tasted each other.
Her lips were like that drink I never tasted,
Her hair smelled of that smell I never knew,
Her hands held mine, our cheeks red with shyness,
We sat smiling close to each other, I didn’t say anything nor did she.
We sat looking into each other eyes,
Staring into our deep ruins of past,
Staring into our deep well of emotions,
We lost ourselves and become one.
I wasn’t me, she wasn’t her,
We both became one, one heart, one soul,
One story, one love.

© Ashraf Shaikh

Buried Somewhere In Time

You never existed, you were just a thought that held on to me a little longer,
You never existed, you were just a concept that I fell in love with a little crazier,
You never existed, you were just a beautiful face for whom I fell in love, a little foolish,
You never existed, you were just a presence that sat in one corner of the room, seeing you made me feel a lot of feelings.

From the deepest of souls flows deepest of passions,
From the deepest passions flows deepest of love,
From the deepest of love flowed you and your beautiful stories,
And from those beautiful stories I found a way to keep my deepest desires happy.

You never existed, but my love, my deepest yearning for you did exist somewhere in time,
You never existed, but my passions and desires spoke a story about you somewhere in time,
You never existed, but somewhere in time, I buried my love buried somewhere in time,
Buried deep into the earth, rotting, ceasing to exist.

No matter how much I dig deep,
No matter how much I search for the buried love,
I couldn’t find it, cause it got buried, somewhere in time.

© Ashraf Shaikh

I won’t Give Up

Even if the world collapses under my feet, I won’t stop,
Even if my body takes a toll on me, I won’t stop,
Even if the people I love go against me, I won’t stop,
Even if I fail a thousand times, I will do it again, but I won’t stop.

I’ll keep going no matter how hard life hits me,
I’ll keep going no matter how hard temptations and desires arrive,
I’ll keep thriving no matter how fucked up my circumstances become,
I’ll keep going, I’ll keep thriving, like there’s no tomorrow.

I won’t give in to my temptations,
I won’t give in to my older self,
I won’t give up to my character,
I’ll rebuild myself over and over again, day in and day out,
But, I won’t stop.

Just like an army man practicing his routine everyday,
Like a comedian performing everyday,
A priest having faith in god and doing prayers everyday,
I’ll keep going on, with faith, belief and utmost character everyday.

For the dreams that haunt me by the night,
For the lack of discipline I face,
For the hurdles and rock bottom I hit,
I’ll promise myself to get back again.

I’ll get back again, like a fighter, like a warrior,
I’ll get back again in a form to fight, hit hard this painful life,
I’ll form myself, I’ll make up my mind, I’ll hit harder, this time, every time I fall down.

I’ll fight the fight,
I’ll live the struggle,
I’ll hit hard the hurdles,
Come to me, I am ready with my guard, I am ready for the fight.

I’ll keep fighting for my dreams,
I’ll keep going against myself and everyone who holds me back,
I’ll keep hitting and getting hit day in and out,
But, I won’t give up.

© Ashraf Shaikh

What To Learn From Reading Novels

I have read many novels this year, starting from

  1. Half Girlfriend, Revolution 2020 and Five Point someone, by Chetan Bhagat
  2. Fault in our stars and Paper towns by John Green
  3. The alchemist by Paulo Coelho
  4. The monk who sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma
  5. Lee child by Jack Reacher
  6. The Kite runner by Khaled Hosseini
  7. Gone girl by Gillian Flynn


These books are mesmerizing, they refined me a lot, about life, love, and dreams and I love each book on my shelf along with the non-fictions, which I am reading. For that reason, here go what I have understood about writing from reading these books. Writing is about the following, which are, given below-

  1. It makes the reader experience – Books like- Gone Girl, The Kite runner, and Fault in our stars make the readers undergo the reality. These books make them feel what has been, written, these books, have such an intense writing, selection of words and paragraphs that I fell in love with them. Good writing is about making readers feel what you have written by picking right, words at, right place and paragraphs and letting them submerge into the book. Writing is about making the reader sense about the weather, about him, about his companion, about his home and everything else in his life.
  2. Educating the readers – Good writing is about, educating the readers. Many writers educate the readers through their novels. Fault in our stars teaches me about life and love. Kite Runner and The Alchemist educated me about redemption and dreams respectively. So, writing is about enlightening the reader about the countless chapters of life, which is love, hate, anger, peace, compassion, etc. it makes them contemplate about the situations and its consequence and benefits.
  3. Building Emotionallectual Value: – I put together this word, just a few days ago. I was thinking about what should matter me as a writer. Is that royalty or anything that had profound sense than that? It is building emotionallectual value, it means that a book, which makes the reader’s feelings, emotions change and it changes their intellect. Well, it was my idea to build emotionallectual value which has emotion and intellect, that is E + I = EI (Emotionallect). The books that I have read till now has emotionallectual value, like The Alchemist and The Kite runner, it teaches you about many times of being and also make your intellect nurture by phasing out many logical questions about life, that might leave you in awe wondering out loudly.
  4. Writing is about Description: – writers describe everything; they make the reader, immersed in the details so that they learn everything about the novel and feel it. Writing is furnishing attention to the details so thoroughly that it makes the reader dive into the details. Explaining an ocean, food, smell, antagonist, protagonist, road, and traffic is a remark of good writing. He/ she link two different things and present them in a most wonderful way.
  5. Forces the Reader to think: Writing is about making, the reader to think; it compels the reader to think about life, their dreams, hopes, and accomplishments. The characters written in these books, like Gone Girl and The Alchemist, are like one of us, they have dreams, love, hate in their hearts that they carry all through their life. They make big choices to go forward in their life, which causes us also, to think about our life and move forward.
  6. Writing is about Inspiring – Writing is about inspiring the readers, as in The Alchemist depicts a difference about listening to your heart to find treasure and Kite Runner about redemption. It encourages readers to follow their dreams without any fear and live life happily. It forms them to take charge of their responsibilities and their mistakes and rectify them. Therefore, writing is about inspiring people, in their life and helping them cope with their choices.
  7. Writing is Creativity with brilliance: – Creativity is writing from the start to the end and offering something new, is earning brilliance to creativity. Creativity is like a muscle the more you exercise it, the more it builds up. Gone Girl, the novel make you go scratch your head as its plot moves so, momentously, and back and forth. That is what you call creativity with brilliance. Writing is about building creativity, it is writing creatively, or trying a new way of narration, plot, or anything that exercises your creativity and maintaining that creativity along the path.
  8. Questioning Reality:Good writing makes you question reality. It makes you think about reality with a critical mindset and help you to make better decisions, I have read it somewhere that books teach you to thin, as far as I have read yes it has made me think and carry you critical decisions. Good writing is that actually which makes you question reality and arrive at a better decision.

Shaikh Ashraf.


Friendship, Love & Sacrifice

How I Wrote, “Friendship, Love & Sacrifice”

84 hours in 21 days


How I Wrote, “Friendship, Love & Sacrifice”

Every day this year, I told to everyone and myself that I will become a writer and I became one. No matter if, I ever get to the top list of the Best-selling section, but I will still be writer. I can tell my friends and other people proudly that I am a writer. Well writing is good, you sit down and write your thoughts down for hours and hours and realize you have written a good piece of Art.

What if no one, reads it? What if no, one comes to know about it. What if your book, fades away? Well you have to figure a certain way out for that. I have not figured a way out of that and I feel worried, but all this process remains great to me.

I started writing this novel in March 2015 last year, and I wrote about 10 pages and stopped. I tried to find inspiration every day and write but nothing happened. I was keenly looking for inspiration and inspiration did not come. What was wrong? Was I getting wrong inspiration? Inspiration comes from desire and thinking out of the box. Practically, thinking of new ways, asking questions, and figuring things out. I did all this, I made my novel descriptive, and everything and nothing happened. Then I got a forward push in August. It was August 15, Independence Day. It was my holiday that day and I somehow reached amazon KDP website and I did not know what that was but I saw a headline of self-publishing your book and I was astonished. I researched about KDP more and more and read all the blog posts possible and I thought this was great. Three days of August went figuring out novel, time to write it and time to publish it. Then I continued writing, this time I did not need a board waving “Inspiration?” in my life. “No matter what happens, no matter I ever find any inspiration I have to write,” I told to myself and wrote, wrote and wrote. I read, wrote, edited, wrote, and re-wrote. Everything happened, I wrote more blog posts and read more books and wrote as many things possible, I wrote out ideas, I wrote out themes and plots and I even wrote my novel closest to its end. Then the time came. I was very close to what I have been trying to do for many days, writing a novel but my results came and my marks dropped badly. As it was board exams after three months and I was very close, it was very difficult for me to figure out what to do. Which, way to go, writing, studying, or, both? What happens if I choose anyone now and another later? I got confused and stopped writing and got back to studying, as I knew that whatever happens I would always remain a student, I like to study new concepts and explore more, more, and this time I was exploring something out of my stream of choice, so what. Let me just explore my own stream commerce and study for exams, for three months and then continue writing again. It did not go well, every day I woke up as if I had to do something that I did not want. No new inspiration, no new ideas, and it were nothing. I was happy but something was continuously going on in the back of my mind, it was telling me to, “write that novel” and I was fighting with it every day and tell that “I have to study”.

Three months gone and I did my exams well enough and then I started writing, on the day exams got finished I realized that I opened the document and stared for 5 minutes at the blank document. Then I remembered the whole story and told myself the same line something was telling me at the back of my head for 3 months, “write it” and I wrote it. I was awake until 2 am and wrote it fully. I cried when I made my character die in the end but I finally finished it. I gave myself a high five that night and I felt something inside me lifting up. A feeling you get when you finish something fully on your own, a feeling of joy and accomplishment. Then I wrote a few blog posts and I finally clicked the “publish and continue” button. In addition, I am a writer now who has a blog shaikhashrafwrites and is an author of “Friendship, Love & Sacrifice”


How to find Passion?

I have finished two years in junior college and I have something in mind regarding my future studies but what I find among most of my peers is that they are unable to find their aim in life and think about their career and I always question that why is that? Why they don’t know anything about their life, why is that they don’t know anything about their dreams and way forward? What do they lack?

It is Passion. Passion is when you wake up in the morning and you know what to do with your day to make your life more successful. Passion is finding what you love in your life and living with it. Passion is loving your life, your choices and your dreams. But many people lack passion or they are impassioned. Why is that? Why do many people lack to find what they love? Why do many people go towards their life in an  auto-pilot mode? It is because they don’t know what they are passionate about. It is because they don’t try to find their real passion. It is because they don’t know the value of inner happiness.

Is it possible that passion be brought to life again in people? Yes. Passion is a feeling, a feeling to love, interest and stimulation you get when you do something. That is passion. Passion is the outcome of Open-mindedness. It is the outcome of Curiosity and Creativity.

Open-mindedness if you want to know what you are passionate about, then you have to be open-minded. Being open-minded is questioning your assumption and trying new things, experiences and hobbies. I always thought books were boring, then I questioned myself why do I think like that? then I started reading books, and it is a year now and I have read 20 books this year. Do I say I am passionate about reading books? yes, I love reading everything, I read novels, Newspapers and I really love to dive into the depth of words and feel it, imagine it. Therefore, you have to question your assumption and try to find what you love.

Curiosity if you want to know what you love, you have to dig deeper. You are following your passion, you are open-minded about something then you have to ask questions and dig deeper. You have to find or connect ideas; you have to solve problems by getting to know how other people solve theirs. You have to be curious about life. You should be always asking yourself, what is that I love? Why is that? Then dig deeper into it. I started writing my journal, year ago and I wrote it daily. I started this blog in August and I am even writing a novel that would be finished at the end of this month. I explored writing very much. I even explored blogging. Whatever you are doing nowadays, maybe learning or trying out a new hobby, ask many questions about it. Be curious about it, explore every aspect of it and then dig more and more deeper. It can make you excel and teach you a lot of things.

  • Also, be passionately curious, I mean not only ask questions but love to ask questions and find answer. You should love to explore and dig deep into topics until you are fully satisfied.

Creativity be creative, if you have an interest in something or cultivating a hobby then be creative about it, always try to find new ways to do things or create something. Connect two different ideas and try to represent your idea to a newer level. Whenever I sit down writing, I always try to write a little bit differently, every blog post of mine is different from other posts of mine. I always find new topics to write, so that I explore them and represent it in a new level. I always write my novel by exploring about what I am going to write about, and then I think through it and add more things. Follow an art, follow an idea or live some days by following an ideology, then try new things yourself.  

Always try to ask yourself, does it make me happy? When it doesn’t then try something else then another and then another until you find something which gives you inner happiness and joy, and when you feel that inner happiness and joy while doing something, then yes, that is Passion I am writing about.

Please comment below your feedback regarding this post.

Shaikh Ashraf.


Confused or Critical-Thinker

Life is what we make it

Let the heart Beat

Change And Clarity Of Living

Creativity, Inspiration For Me

What I Learned From “The Secret”

After reading three times book “The Secret” I feel so good. Feeling good and having fun is the best thing a man can do to enjoy his life. He should feel good, love himself and spread love and kindness to everyone.


I have learned that gratitude is the most important part of life, people should be grateful to anything they have in life so they don’t feel that they have less.

Every day I decide what type of day I want then I imagine it the exact by feeling it. I start the day feeling grateful for everything I have in my life. Happiness, joy, friendship, laughter, life, dreams everything I have I am grateful for it now and it is the thing that keeps me going throughout the day.

Every morning I tell myself, ‘I will live a little more today, I will smile a little more today, I will laugh a little more today, I will love myself and be happy a little more today, I will learn something new a little more today, I will spread happiness and love to people more today.” I make myself believe that I am doing it all the day and when I open my eyes I say thank you to god and show my gratitude.

This habit makes me going throughout the day and I feel happy, loving and joyful all the day. This type of motivation is very good, you pray then thank then you are ready for the day’s battle.

I feel good everyday now because I feel my day just before the start of the day as a great day and the great day starts from there. Life now seems beautiful and full of choices, I feel confident and I am smiling all the day.

All I need to finish is that, “if you start to feel grateful for everything you have, guess what, you have everything!”

Shaikh Ashraf

Creativity, Inspiration For Me

I am writing this journal after a month, I did not get any new ideas or inspiration to write something new or form the plot of my book.

Yesterday I went to Kala Ghoda Arts Festival, that maybe I can get new ideas, although I didn’t get the ideas but I got the insights of creativity. Some persons are extremely curious that they forget the world and they are immersed within themselves. While some question and observe the world to get the questions answered, and they form their own opinion, they represent their opinion through their art. What I learned observing creativity is if I observe everything and form my own opinion and present my opinion to the world around me beautifully I will be called a creative person. Creativity is not an art, not science as well but it is the mind, which observes everything, questions and forms its own opinions and answers them with a special presentation. The presentation may be writing, drawing, construction or any other thing.

After Kala Ghoda Arts Festival, I went to marine drive to see the sea. I just love the sea. The sea inspires me. The environment there were extraordinary, the feel of the wind flowing through my face, the sound of the water crashing with the stones. There I got my inspiration, my friends were also there but I was so lost in my own sights I observed the water it’s flowing, its crashing with the stones, its telling us, something it is showing us, that we are not listening. That is, in any season, havoc, volcano the water doesn’t stop flowing, in any weather; climate the water’s flowing is not affected the flowing goes on throughout for centuries. The water adopts change but never stopped its flowing it also applies to us that we should adopt the change for ourselves but never limit ourselves or never stop ourselves from living our life.

The lesson I learned yesterday was that if I observe the world, question it, form my opinion, present it I would get many ideas about my novel and that we should adopt change into our lives but never stop ourselves from flowing. Go with the change. Go with the flow.

Shaikh Ashraf